Design for Additive Manufacturing – Introducing the concept that underpins the most successful AM builds
Posted on 2024/10/02

You might have carefully selected the right AM technology, hardware and materials – but the success (or failure) of any additive manufacturing-based project is dictated long before you start the build. As the make-or-break first step, mastering Design for Additive Manufacturing (DFAM) is critical.
Read our introduction to the key concepts – then get in touch with 3D Print Academy’s expert team for bespoke advice on your individual AM project.
What is Design for Additive Manufacturing?
Design for Additive Manufacturing is a set of industry-standard guidelines, established by designers and engineers over many years and proven to increase the success rate of AM builds.
Fundamentally, the goal of Design for Additive Manufacturing is to reduce production time, expense and risk of failure, while optimising the functionality and quality of the parts produced. Here’s an introduction to some of the considerations to keep in mind for effective DFAM.
How to Design for Additive Manufacturing
To use Design For Additive Manufacturing effectively, certain key criteria must be satisfied. Before you embark on a build, keep these considerations in mind.
Wall thickness
Setting the dimensions of your component’s walls is one of the most important design considerations. Too thick and you’ll add build time, weight and cost. Too thin and you’ll increase the risk of cracks, warping and failure. Make an informed decision by carefully evaluating the material used, the AM technology employed and the part’s intended end-use. For instance, note that DMLS parts tend to function best using the 40:1 ratio of height/wall thickness.
Topology optimisation
The guiding concept here is to work out how the material in a given component can be best distributed for optimum performance (whether your priority is strength, resilience, flexibility or reduced weight), then design a bespoke internal structure to suit. Topology is a key consideration in industries such as aerospace, where parts must be strong but lightweight.
Feature size
There’s a wide range of AM printing processes and each offers a different scope for printing intricate features. Use this table of minimum feature sizes as your rule of thumb, then get in touch with the 3D Print Academy team for made-to-measure guidance on your build.
PolyJet 0.012 in. (0.305mm)
SLS 0.030 in. (0.762mm)
SLA 0.0025 in. (0.0635mm)
DMLS 0.006 in. (0.153mm)
FDM: Desktop 0.008 in. (0.2mm)
FDM: Industrial 0.008 in. (0.2mm)
Carbon DLS 0.020 in. (0.508mm)
MJF 0.020 in. (0.508mm)
Consolidation of multiple parts
Unlike traditional manufacturing – in which a given component might comprise hundreds of smaller parts, all manufactured separately – AM offers smart designers the ability to build a single part that incorporates many others in a single print run. There are many benefits to this, including weight reduction (and so fuel consumption), slimmer inventory, fewer assembly costs and simplified construction.
Self-supporting features
The fundamental laws of physics mean problems like sagging and warping can occur when 3D printing components. However, by using smooth transitions and reducing overhangs at the design stage, you can ensure each feature is able to support its own weight and improve the chances of a successful build.
Internal channels
The ability to add internal channels to a component is a key benefit of AM, but this design feature must be carefully executed. Again, give careful thought to overhangs and minimum feature size, while remembering that any internal channel through which liquids will flow demands a high-resolution print (or post-processing). FDM tends to be an effective technology for printing internal channels, but the 3D Print Academy team is on-hand to advise for your build.
It’s often overlooked, but the direction of printing (and therefore the order in which a component takes shape) is an important consideration. Orientation affects everything from strength to surface finish. So choose your Z axis carefully, ensuring you print with the layers parallel to the part’s surface and don’t leave overhangs that could warp due to gravity while the layer cures.
Master Design for Additive Manufacturing with 3D Print Academy
To tap the true potential of AM and sharpen your design skills, turn to 3D Print Academy. With our next-level facilities, expert trainers and full programme of 3D printer training courses, we’re proud to be the UK’s first Authorised Stratasys Training Centre and ready to build your skillset. Get in touch today and discover how we can bring AM into your business.
From training to consultancy services, our experts are ready to assist with every aspect of AM. Contact us on 03332 075 660 or
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